8 Steps For Making Employee Training Fun And Effective

employee training

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The most important thing about employee training is that it doesn’t just make your employees better at their jobs. It also makes your company better.

Stats say well-planned employee training positively affects 93% of employees and their management level. 

If you have a well-trained and well-equipped team, they’ll perform at a higher level than their peers who need access to the same resources. 

It means that you’ll see an increase in productivity, which will lead directly to greater profits for your company.

Furthermore, training is important because it allows you to build up your employees’ confidence levels, allowing them to be more effective on the job. 

If employees feel like they know what they’re doing, they’ll be able to do more of it—and do it better!

In this post, we’ll share eight steps for making employee training fun and effective.

But, basics first.

What Is Employee Training?

Employee training is an ongoing process of developing the knowledge and skills to help employees perform their jobs effectively. 

It is an essential part of any business since it helps create a more productive workforce, which in turn helps to boost the bottom line.

Employee training can be offered through a variety of different methods, including: 

  • Classroom-based courses; 

  • Online learning modules; 

  • Offsite seminars and conferences, or even just 

  • One-on-one conversations with managers or supervisors

Furthermore, 94% of employees are willing to stay in the same company if it invests in learning and training.

Some training programs are mandatory for all employees, while others are optional. 

However, most companies offer some employee training to ensure their workers have the knowledge they need to do their job well.

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8 Steps For Making Employee Training Fun And Effective

What Are The 8 Steps For Making Employee Training Fun And Effective?

Here are eight steps for making employee training fun and effective:

1. Use A New Hire Training Checklist To Go Through The Basics Of Your Business

The first step in creating an effective employee training program is to create a list of what you need to do and what you need to know. 

It will help ensure that everyone who works for your company has an idea of how things work on a fundamental level. 

A few ideas include:

  • Do you have an emergency exit plan?

  • Who handles customer complaints?

  • How does the accounting system work?

  • What’s the dress code at work?

2. Use Various Training Methods To Give Employees A Complete Understanding Of The Material

Training should be a fun and engaging experience that gives employees a better understanding of the material.

To ensure this happens, use various training methods to give employees a complete understanding of the material. For example:

  • Use different types of exercises

  • Use different types of activities

  • Use written documentation or slideshows to supplement the instructor’s lecture

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3. Challenge Learners

Challenge learners to think rather than just passively absorb information. 

As you work with your employees, ensure they’re encouraged to question what they are being taught and to ask questions. 

They must feel like asking a question is not considered rude or foolish, so ensure the environment is conducive to open dialogue and critical thinking.

Encourage employees to share their thoughts and opinions about what they learned during training sessions. 

It will help you gauge how well all employees received the material and which aspects were more helpful than others for each employee individually.

Furthermore, 74% of workers are willing to retrain or learn new skills to stay competitive.

online training

4. Provide Opportunities For Further Education, Even Outside Normal Office Hours

It’s likely that employees need to be using their full capacity at work and would benefit from additional learning they can apply in the workplace. 

Ensure the training is relevant to their job responsibilities and give them opportunities to learn more outside work hours, such as through: 

  • Online learning platforms like Coggno; or 

  • Workshops outside normal working hours.

5. Ensure You Have The Right Tools And Resources To Support Training Efforts

If you invest in training your employees, you’ll want to ensure they have the right tools and resources. 

A clear example of this is a learning management system (LMS). 

83% of companies were using LMS in 2021, and the percentage has only risen in these two years.

An LMS allows employees to access training materials, submit assignments and receive feedback on their performance—all on their own time and in their way.

An effective LMS should help guide users through a process that is easy to use, intuitive and straightforward. 

It should also integrate with other HR software or payroll management systems. 

It is because information stays consistent when it travels between different platforms.

6. Make Training Enjoyable, But Don’t Make It Too Easy

Employee training allows employees to learn new skills and develop their knowledge base. 

Still, it’s also an opportunity for employers to provide some much-needed break from the monotony of day-to-day routines. 

To keep your employees engaged and motivated, you should encourage them to have fun while learning what they need to know about their jobs and responsibilities.

However, don’t go overboard. 

If you’re making learning too easy (or even dull), your employees might not take advantage of all that employee training offers. 

You want your trainees to come back for more because they enjoy themselves while they learn new things.

It is not simply because they feel they have no choice but to do so anyway!

7. Have The Right Expectations When Creating A Training Program For Your Employees

When creating a training program for your employees, it’s important to have the right expectations. 

You should know why you’re creating the program and what outcome you’d like to see from it. 

It would be best if you also considered how long it will take for your employees to learn all of the material in the course and how much money you’ll need to invest for them to complete it.

Once you’ve established these elements, you can determine how best to measure success. 

A common way is by looking at an employee’s productivity level before and after taking part in a training class or program.

If they’re doing better after going through one, chances are good that your efforts have been worthwhile!

8. Measure Success, And Tweak Practices As Needed

When you’re putting together your next training program, it’s important to remember that a good training plan measures success and makes adjustments.

The first step is to define your company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and then set targets accordingly. 

These should reflect the company’s business goals and what you want each employee to achieve by the end of their training program.

Then it’s time for testing. 

You’ll need an effective system that allows you to evaluate whether or not employees are learning what they need to know to meet those KPIs and targets—and have fun doing so!

Read Related Article: 8 Ways To Train Your Employees (So They Don’t Need Employee Training)


Any good training program aims to ensure that your employees are equipped with the skills they need to perform well in their jobs. 

But it’s important to pay attention to the importance of fun and reward in keeping them engaged in their work. 

You can find ways to make your training programs more effective by making them more engaging, challenging and rewarding for workers.

Explore an entire range of employee training here.

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