Dr. John J. Ratey will be in Richmond, Virginia this month to talk about his book, “Spark–The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,” and the link it makes between exercise and active, healthier minds.
Another recent conference in Richmond touched on similar themes, entitled: “Save Our Kids: The Obesity Crisis Conference.” It was held February 18, and focused on the necessity for daily physical activity in our online, LMS and classroom learning systems as a way to fight the growing percentage of overweight children in America.
Maine Senator Peter Mills is among other lawmakers concerned with obesity and fighting for more time for physical exercise in school learning systems. As Mills points out, “Kids perform better academically, consistently, when they’re given a break from the tedium of staring at a blackboard or white board all day.” Although as educators we hope that our learning systems couldn’t be described in such mundane terms, the argument that more time should be set aside in a school day for physical activity is hard to argue with.
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