Online Courseware Repetitive Review


Online Courseware Repetitive Review

Coggno Inc. | Oct, 27 2008

Online Courseware Repetitive Review

Transferring online courseware information from the short-term memory to long-term is a process that you can aid. One way to help your brain absorb the material is repetitive review.

Though you might park your car in thousands of places throughout your lifetime, you probably remember easily enough where it is each time and just as easily forget after you no longer need the information. But if you had to walk past your car a few times that day, you might remember for days or even weeks where you’d parked it that day.

This is a simple strategy for putting online courseware content into your long term memory. When you learn something new, try to review the main points on the same day. Take notes on the online courseware material and keep them accessible.

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