Stress is For the Dogs

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Ask any pet owner and he or she will tell you that our furry friends can work wonders to reduce stress. Sure, they can be some work, but dogs and cats are not only faithful companions who give us unconditional love, they reduce stress. It’s true; a cuddle from your dog or cat can make you forget about all the stress you feel – so much so that many businesses are allowing employees to bring their pets to work, or company owners are bringing their dogs to their offices, allowing the dogs to bond with employees.

Therapy Animals in the Workplace

The thought of a pooch or kitty in the office might be a bit unconventional to some, but a 2012 study conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University suggests that dogs in the workplace can lower levels of the stress-producing hormone cortisol. The study used a North Carolina company that allowed employees to bring their dogs to work. With about 20-30 dogs on site, data collected showed that employees who interacted with dogs dropped their stress levels by about 11 percent, while those who did not, showed a 70 percent increase in stress levels. Touching or petting an animal can actually be therapeutic, and results have been proven using the same technology as lie-detector tests; fear, stress and anxiety can actually be reduced when interacting with your pet.

The thought of a pooch or kitty in the office might be a bit unconventional to some, but a 2012 study conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University suggests that dogs in the workplace can lower levels of the stress-producing hormone cortisol.

Is It a Good Idea?

Unfortunately, not every workplace environment will be suitable for pets. But, if you feel you work in one that could be, speak up. Today’s office culture has become fraught with many more stressors than in years past, and if we can do our best to reduce those stressors, why not? The owners of small, informal businesses have indulged their ownership privileges by outfitting their workspaces with items that reflect their personalities and lifestyles. Very often, that would include bringing a pet to work. Now that most larger businesses have adopted more casual workplace safety cultures, having a well-behaved pet around makes sense.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to subject a skittish cat to your co-workers, but a mellow dog or cat could be just the thing everyone needs to lessen stress and make getting through the day a little easier. We’ve been encouraged to bring our kids to work to show them where mommy and daddy go every day when they leave the house in the morning. Why not bring our pets? We feel so comforted with our faithful canine sleeping at our feet at home, so why not try it at the office?

If you are unable to bring your pet to work, a good alternative is to look for online training courses to help ease your stress. Coggno has a wide variety of excellent choices that can help solve a plethora of workplace stress issues. Find the one that’s right for you by browsing our marketplace. Then, be prepared to relax.
