10 Issues in a Learning System: 5) Memory Types


10 Issues in a Learning System: 5) Memory Types

Coggno Inc. | Sep, 5 2008

10 Issues in a Learning System: 5) Memory Types The traditional learning system is disproportionately biased: most material is presented in the form of text and text only (semantic). This, of course, works for many—and again, for many, it doesn’t. For centuries our learning system has been ignoring visual (episodic) learners, for example. And this is a considerably significant issue: if different people assimilate information differently and we are only paying homage to one, our learning system is disregarding a large percentage of our learners’ memory types, and consequently, a high percentage of learners.
Solution: consider explicating subjects in both a semantic and an episodic way, or carefully pick which subject is best fit to be conveyed semantically or episodically.

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