7 Books Every Successful Leader Needs to Read

Table of Contents

Whether you’re managing one or one million people, every leader needs the right skills and expertise to successfully guide an organization in the best direction. These seminal works showcase hard data and research backed techniques for revolutionizing your skills as a leader both personally and professionally.

Change Leader: Learning to Do What Matters Most

Best-selling author, Michael Fullan, pens this engaging read. He outlines six core skills that every leader should possess for today’s fast-paced environment. It is ideal for those looking to understand the underpinnings of what makes a successful leader.

Leading at a Higher Level: Blanchard on Leadership & Creating High Performing Organizations

Management expert Ken Blanchard, author of the number one national best seller The One Minute Manager, discusses specific methods for developing personal leadership skills that empower everyone you work with. He delves into techniques for successfully leading not only your organization, but yourself.

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t

Do you feel like your organization is stagnant? Try perusing Jim Collins’ number one New York Times bestseller. Jim Collins and his research team studied a set of companies that successfully transitioned from mediocrity to success, and maintained that success for a minimum of fifteen years. He contrasts them with companies that were not able to make the leap. His findings revealed specific determinants for greatness. Read the book to find out what they are!

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Most likely you’ve heard of this one. Lean In has received a lot of buzz as of late, and for good reason. Facebook chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, transitions her highly acclaimed TEDTalk into prose in a highly lauded debut bestseller. She delves into the issues of why women unintentionally hold themselves back professionally, and provides advice on how they can build a successful career (including how to negotiate your salary, balance your family and career, and achieve personal fulfillment). She also gives advice on how men can support women in the workplace.

The Leadership Challenge

This revised classic teaches today’s leaders how to successfully tackle some of the most difficult organizational challenges. This new version has updated case studies that demonstrate how to develop and learn vital leadership skills. It is perfect for anyone in a managerial position.

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us

Daniel Pink reveals the secrets to satisfaction both professionally and personally. He uses research to uncover what truly motivates us (which isn’t money) and outlines methods for applying it to your daily life. He turns your assumptions about motivation upside down in this substantial work. Once you’re done reading, check out his fantastic TedTalk!

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

If you haven’t read this literary staple it’s high time you gave it a read. Stephen Covey presents ways to develop successful leadership skills through a deep understanding of yourself. His highly successful 7 habits are essential for every leader in today’s corporate culture. There’s a reason this groundbreaking book has been translated into thirty-four languages and sold over 25 million copies!

Everyone has that one book that changed their world outlook and helped them develop as a person and leader. Which one was yours?
