Designing Online Courseware with Reading Patterns


Designing Online Courseware with Reading Patterns

Coggno Inc. | Feb, 19 2009

If you’ve ever designed a website, you’ve probably done some research about how people read web content. Whether you’re designing your own web page orĀ online courseware, it’s important to keep in mind that eyetracking studies have found most people read in an F-shaped pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe.

Studies show that website and online courseware readers’ eyes most often fixate at the upper left of a page, then hover in that area before going left to right. Only after skimming through the top portion of the page do their eyes typically float further down.

People also tend to read quickly, so keep your sentences short. Online academic courseware content that corresponds to the movement of the average eye will prove moreĀ effective than a design that doesn’t.

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