How Does Good Leadership Training Boost Employee Morale and Control Attrition?

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It is estimated that over 30% of all entry-level employees will quit their job within the first six months. Many business owners know that attrition is a burden on the company, so they are looking for solutions to boost employee morale and slow attrition.

Root Cause of Employee Dissatisfaction

The problem is that implemented action items overlook the root cause of dissatisfied employees: poor management. Often, the blame is placed on other factors, such as low pay, scheduling conflicts, hiring problems, and working environment.

Even though these reasons are listed as the cause of employee attrition, the truth is that employees most often leave because of problems with their direct manager. The leadership that interacts with the employee most often will make-or-break the situation by setting the culture of the company.

Typically, a new employee starts with a great attitude, feeling hopeful about the new job. Eventually, the excitement wears away as the employee sees the reality of the culture and management they face each day at work.

Training Managers to Support Employees

If you want to improve employee retention, it isn’t as simple as giving everyone a pay raise. Instead, you need to focus on the root cause of low employee morale. Many companies make the mistake of offering additional training to the entry-level employees while overlooking training for management.

A company with high attrition has a systematic problem that needs to be addressed at the top of the leadership line. When the managers know the best practices to lead their teams, then the positive training will trickle down to affect every individual in the organization.

Happy Employees = Successful Business

It is essential to understand that happy employees are the foundation of a successful business. These entry-level employees are often the individuals that are interacting with the customers each day. Their attitude and morale will have a direct impact on the way customers view your company, which affects repeat purchases.

When an employee feels motivated at work, they will set the tone for the company to thrive. Employees can maintain positive morale when they see that they have a stable, safe place to work.

How Management Can Boost Morale

Management should be proactive to keep employees satisfied and happy. But, the problem is that many managers don’t know the right steps to adjust their behavior to change employee morale. Negative patterns set in, causing the manager to reactively respond to every bad situation that comes up.

Instead, managers need to take a proactive approach to lead their employees in a positive way. These skills don’t often come naturally, so it is the responsibility of upper-level management to offer online training courses to those front-line managers.

Solution: Good Leadership Training for Managers

As you can see, the root cause of attrition problems lies in the way the manager’s interact with employees. If you want to lower attrition levels and improve the success of your company, then it is essential to focus on management training to change critical aspects of your business system.

At Coggno, we want to make it easy to train both managers and employees. Instead of spending the time to create training programs, you can tap into the resources that we offer here on our website. We have a wide range of training programs that can transform employee morale and reduce attrition.
