Three Simple Tips for Bright New Managers

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Three Tips for New ManagersAre you a new manager? Starting your new position may prove more difficult than you imagined. Suddenly you have new responsibilities to the people around you, and you must learn how to strike critical balances in your work policies and interpersonal relations. An LMS course can help, but so can some simple practices.

Practice tolerance and think outside the box. One mistake that new managers often make is to try to change everything. Remember, just because the way someone does something isn’t the way you’d do it, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Decide what is worth changing and what is just different.

This leads into a second good practice for new managers; avoid showing everyone who is in charge. If you may have just been promoted to manager, you might feel that you know everything there is to know about your area. However, you still must learn how to manage other people, so be sure to listen to those in your group and ask for the input when you need it.

Third, take time to get to know the people you are managing. Even if you have worked beside these people for years, that doesn’t necessarily mean you really know them. Find out what’s exciting or interesting for them, how to motivate them, and what concerns they may have. If you get to know them as individuals, you will be able to more effectively manage them.

One recent poll showed that over half of new managers received absolutely no formal training before beginning the job. If you’re a new manager, be proactive in your own training and transition process. Pick up a course on an online learning platform like Coggno. Free courses include a Sample Negotiation Presentation, Conflict in Workplaces, and L19-Influence. For new managers there are courses such as 6 Steps to a Successful Start as a New Manager, which offers practical tips and strategies to help new managers successfully move into their new leadership role.

Coggno’s LMS combines state-of-the-art tools with quality content to provide managers and all students a memorable and effective learning experience. Coggno is now offering a free trial for management training program creators on its learning management system. Create an online course for free, whether it be for internal use, for inclusion in Coggno’s E-learning Marketplace, or for outside syndication on hundreds of websites.

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