Employee Training 2025: What’s Required & What’s Recommended

Training Requirements For Employees

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The Essential Guide To Employee Training Requirements In 2025

Want to know what are the training requirements for employees? If yes, then this blog is for you. Companies that implement proper training programs encourage team retention to the point that 94% of employees stay at the company longer. Employers should train their employees to maintain a safe and productive workplace, ensuring they develop similar knowledge and skills.

This brings all of them to a higher level, reducing weak links within the company who rely on others to do basic tasks.

What is the difference between mandatory and recommended training requirements for employees?

Employers should implement the training required by law and provide additional training programs that help managers and employees succeed in the workplace. Some mandatory employee training regulations are required by law, depending on the industry your company operates in and where it is located.

A few examples of mandatory regulations training are:

  • Employees of establishments with liquor licenses need to be alcohol-safety certified.

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By being compliant with national or local policies, reduces the risks of lawsuits and fines.
Some examples of recommended training are:

  • Technical skills development training.
  • Training on products and services.
  • E-learning tuition reimbursement.

Let’s look at some of the training courses in more detail.

Onboarding New Employees

Workplace substance abuse

Substance abuse is a significant problem that affects all sectors of the workplace. Of the 12.3 million American adults who are current illicit drug users, 9.4 million (77 percent) are employed. Adequate policies and training will help control this problem, and workers will know how to identify the signs of an employee working while under the influence.

Without proper training, you may encounter problems such as:

  • Decreased job performance, increased absenteeism, and tardiness.
  • Employees work slower and make more mistakes, and workplace injuries and accidents are more likely to happen.

Developing And Coaching Employees

Safety training

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has regulations that require employers to train employees in the health and safety aspects of their jobs. Employers should make sure that they comply with all the applicable regulations related to their industry. Here are a few of OSHA’S training requirements:

Safety Training Courses

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Sexual harassment training

Employers must provide sexual harassment training in several states such as Maine, Connecticut, and California. You must check your state law to ensure the specific requirements such as the required content, how often the training must be presented, who must be trained, and the recordkeeping requirements.

Even in states without specific requirements, it is best practice to provide training on sexual harassment, including non-discrimination. It reinforces your company’s commitment to non-discrimination and anti-harassment.

Sexual Harassment Training Courses

Performance management training

All managers and supervisors should receive this training to enable them to manage employee performance effectively. They should be trained on the company’s performance, review process, and guidelines and know how to give constructive and objective feedback. They should also be able to set appropriate goals and effectively coach employees, avoiding bias.

Management Essentials

Diversity training

Diversity training started in the 1960s in response to a civil rights movement that laid the foundation for black-and-white equality in the workplace and anything that required teams to work together.

Companies offer training on diversity to create awareness of diversity and encourage cohesiveness in teams. Apart from color, diversity includes gender, religion, disabilities, and race. People also show diversity in other aspects, such as values, family background, personality types, and attitudes.

A diverse team means different people do different jobs, and each of them brings their own unique set of skills to the table, contributing to the company’s overall success.

Leading Generationally Diverse Teams

Training on leave of absence

This training addresses applicable leave laws and should enable supervisors to respond to leave requests appropriately. Another important point is that job-protected leave may not count against an employee when doing their performance review.

Performance Management And Development

Non-discrimination and anti-retaliation

Practical guidance and information on harassment and discrimination prevention should be included in the training. It should be stated clearly that the company will under no circumstances tolerate discrimination against employees.

Employees should be trained to report harassment and discrimination incidents, and managers should be trained on how to investigate these reports and take the necessary corrective action.

employee training

Leadership training

These courses are specialized training programs to help employees refine old skills, learn new leadership techniques, and run their departments with assertive communication, coaching, and motivation.

Leadership Essential Course

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) training

Training on this act addresses topics like the prohibition against off-the-clock work, overtime requirements, and ensuring that all hours of work are compensated and recorded.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) training Course

Job or industry-specific training

Some state and federal laws require workers with unique job functions to receive dedicated training. For instance:

  • Hazardous Materials Regulations require that employers provide specific training to employees who are directly involved with working with hazardous materials.

Compliance and ethics training

Ethics and compliance training in the workplace refers to educating employees on the company’s policies laws and regulations that apply to the specific workplace. Companies may be held responsible for employees’ criminal misconduct, and adequate training can promote ethical business practices. Laws that may apply to the company are the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Payment for training time

Time spent by employees in lectures, meetings, or training courses, is considered hours worked and must be paid unless attendance is outside working hours, voluntary, and not job-related. Investing in their professional development beyond the online courses is a sure way to make sure you have happy and engaged employees. It also ensures that your employees develop professionally.

One of the most popular new programs for employee development is tuition reimbursement. An annual stipend is allocated for employees to pursue their growth, like advanced degrees, conferences, etc. Bringing these skills back to the job with them is a great advantage for the company.

 Retaining Your Employees

Overview of Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Trafficking Victims Protection

Human trafficking is considered a very serious crime. It is a massive problem in the world today and one of the worst violations of human rights. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 is the first federal law to address trafficking in persons. This law makes provision for prevention, protection, and prosecution. In a human trafficking situation, there are various stages of safety planning:

  • The victim is still in the situation.
  • In the middle of the process of leaving.
  • Once the victim has left.

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Human trafficking may not be a problem in the workplace. Still, it is recommended best practice to implement training on the subject so that employees know the signs of human trafficking and to whom they should report any incidents they may notice.

Must Read: How an Employee Communication App will Transform your Employee Engagement

FAQs On Training Requirements For Employees

Q. Who establishes training requirements for employees? 

Training requirements for employees are established by company management, regulatory bodies, industry standards organizations, and sometimes, specific job roles or positions within the company.

Q. Why are training requirements for employees important? 

Training requirements for employees are important to ensure that staff are knowledgeable about their job roles, comply with legal and safety standards, and are equipped with the skills needed to perform their duties effectively.

Q. How can companies ensure compliance with training requirements for employees? 

Companies can ensure compliance with training requirements for employees by regularly monitoring training completion, providing accessible training options, and maintaining accurate records of training activities.

Q. How do training requirements for employees impact workplace safety?

Training requirements for employees ensure that staff are knowledgeable about safety protocols, emergency procedures, and proper equipment use, which significantly reduces the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.

Q. What are the legal implications of not meeting training requirements for employees? 

Failing to meet training requirements for employees can result in legal penalties, fines, and lawsuits, especially if non-compliance leads to workplace accidents or violations of industry regulations.

Bottom Line

There are many mandatory and recommended training courses a company can implement to ensure their employees function optimally and feel safe and engaged in the workplace. It also increases employee skills and personal development, ensuring the company’s success and minimizing the possibility of financial losses and lawsuits.

Coggno has a wide range of online corporate training courses addressing the training requirements for employees. You can have a look at our free courses here and our course catalog here.

online training


Rochelle van Rensburg

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