UST Training Online | Underground Storage Tank Training Certification 2022

UST Training Online Underground Storage Tank Training Certification

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Want to know more about UST Training Online? If yes, then this article is for you.

The Underground Storage Tank (UST) program is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program.

UST system was created in response to concerns about potential water contamination from leaking or damaged tank segments near groundwater sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams.

The UST training online aims to prevent accidental or intentional contamination in any UST system site where a UST does not meet federal, state, and local requirements.

It is critical for all facilities using USTs for their operations today that their employees have received adequate training.

They must know how best practices should be applied when inspecting these systems during routine maintenance activities such as annual inspection/maintenance schedule review meetings with clients.

In addition, They must describe any changes made since the last meeting with the client. They must also discuss what needs to be done next, so everybody knows what needs to be done before starting any new projects.

It would involve working inside an existing tank segment.

It could also include chamber paint coating off surfaces inside each compartment within an individual compartment containing liquids other than those being stored there at present, such as acid gasses.


Who Needs UST Training?

All UST system operators need UST operator training under the 2005 Federal Energy Policy Act. The UST owner’s responsibility is to provide training to the primary operator and an emergency response operator.

Following operators must receive training as per the laws:

  • Class A/B operators, also called primary operators
  • Class C operators also called emergency operator

What are the Three Classes Of Operators?

Each underground storage facility must have a minimum of one Class A, B, or C certified operator.

  • Class A

It includes employees or owners responsible for UST tank system operation and maintenance.

  • Class B

It includes employees responsible for the day-to-day running and record-keeping of the system.

  • Class C

A designated employee who is responsible for initiating the appropriate emergency response protocol in the event of an alert or other signal of an emergency.

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UST Training Online Underground Storage Tank Training


What Trainings Do Coggno Provide?

Coggno training comprises an exam, a practical demonstration, another approach allowed by the coordinating body, and the minimum standards for each operator class.

Furthermore, we provide UST Class A/B and Class C operators’ training following the EPA’s classifications.

  • Class A/B Operator Training

Our UST class courses train Class A and B operators to take a comparable examination that covers the following requirements:

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Emergency action
  • Environmental and safety ramifications of the release
  • Financial obligation
  • Notification and Registration of Storage Tanks
  • Compatibility and demonstration of product and equipment
  • Reporting, documentation, testing, and inspections on the subject matter.
  • Discharge or leaks detection
  • Prevention of leakage and overfilling
  • Permanent and temporary shutdown
  • Requirements for Class B and Class C operators’ training

Our training program also assesses Class A and B operators to see if they have general knowledge and can make informed compliance decisions. It also helps determine whether appropriate persons meet UST system operation, upkeep, and record-keeping responsibilities.


  • Class C Operators

Our training programs prepare Class C operators to pass a comparable exam. The training option trains and evaluates the Class C operator’s ability to take necessary action, including:

  • notifying appropriate authorities;
  • dealing with emergencies;
  • alarms from leaks or discharges caused by the functioning of the UST system.

Note: Class C operators must be trained by a Class A or Class B operator, complete a training program, or pass a qualifying examination.


What Does The Coggno UST Training Online Program Do?

Coggno Training creates a learning environment that allows students to provide the best service for their UST systems and customers.

1. Coggno UST Training Online Offers UST Training Courses

Instructors at Coggno are highly qualified professionals with over a decade of experience in training.

We offer a variety of courses that help you develop the skills necessary to operate safely, efficiently, and effectively at your job site or within an organization where you work on behalf of others.

Our training program has UST Operation & Maintenance (USTO&M). The course teaches students how to manage their USTs properly by making sure:

  • the units are installed as per regulatory requirements;
  • cleaning them regularly;
  • inspecting them periodically;
  • replacing any defective components as needed;
  • filling out paperwork explicitly related to maintaining equipment used within these tanks;
  • communicate with other parties involved, so there’s no confusion about what needs to be done before moving forward/moving up elsewhere regarding maintenance schedules

Find courses here: Online Underground Storage Tanks Training Courses | UST Training Online 


2. Coggno UST Certificate Courses Meet The Needs Of Owners And Operators

Our training program is designed to meet the needs of owners and operators of regulated UST systems. This includes:

  • The importance of knowing how to operate and maintain your system.
  • What types of tests are required before releasing water from the tank or any other chemical or biological substance, and its importance?
  • How to perform maintenance on these systems, such as changing filters and replacing hoses, etc., if you’re an operator or maintenance personnel for a facility (a licensed contractor)


3. Coggno UST Facility Training Ensure Personnel Have Knowledge And Skills Related To UST

The Coggno training program ensures that personnel responsible for a UST system have sufficient knowledge and skills related to UST regulations, monitoring, maintenance, and operation procedures.

The scope of the course covers all aspects of USTs, including:

  • Hazardous materials management;
  • Safety requirements;
  • Testing procedures;
  • Operational requirements (including sampling and analysis);
  • The course also covers other topics such as:
  • Background checks on employees who work with or around USTs;
  • How to identify leaks in underground tanks


4. Coggno UST Operator Training Comply With Federal And State, And Local Codes

Coggno operator training will help you learn how to operate and maintain regulated UST systems in compliance with federal regulations, state regulations, and local codes.

You will also be introduced to UST testing requirements, including frequency of testing (monthly/quarterly), location of the test site, and type(s) of equipment used for performing this task.


What Will You Get At The End Of This Course?

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the parts of a UST system;
  • Identify all component parts;
  • Understand how they work together;
  • Describe the many aspects of testing (how often, what needs to be tested);
  • Perform a basic monthly/quarterly test independently


Furthermore, in addition to what’s mentioned above, you must understand how USTs work.

This knowledge will help you make better decisions when selecting a UST manufacturer or supplier.

It will ultimately help you keep your business safe and operating efficiently!


Coggno Updates

We keep you updated with the latest information about Underground Storage Tank operating standards.

State and federal regulations are constantly changing, but we’ll always be sure to let you know if there’s something that needs your attention.

You can also find out what best practices are in place at other companies so that you can make adjustments where necessary.

In addition to training programs for USTs, we have a variety of other training options available:

Professional Certification Courses In The USA – These courses provide training and certifications in subjects such as Safety Management Systems (SMS) or Environmental Compliance & Maintenance Programs (ECMP).

Sexual Harassment Prevention Courses In The USA – These courses provide training on sexual harassment prevention and covers every thing from scratch.

You can also choose from over 100 different topics. Browse topics here.


Coggno Training Meets The Key Requirements Of 40 CFR 280.35(d)(2)(iv)(C)

Yes, you read it right.

Our training meets the key requirements of 40 CFR 280.35(d)(2)(iv)(C) (previously 40 CFR 280.33(e)(3)(ii)).

We have graduates from our courses who work in USTs.

Furthermore, they are now certified to perform inspections as required by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) regulations on UST underground storage tanks (UST).


Blog Summary

Coggno Training Certification Course on UST is perfect for anyone who needs to be trained on UST operations.

This course is designed to meet the needs of owners and operators of regulated UST systems.

Our online training program meets all requirements of 40 CFR 280.35(d)(2)(iv)(C), previously 40 CFR 280.33(e)(3)(ii).

You will learn how to operate and maintain regulated UST systems in compliance with federal regulations, state regulations, and local codes.

At the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  • identify the parts of an underground tank system storage; 
  • identify all component parts;
  • understand how they work together; 
  • describe the many aspects of testing (how often, what needs to be tested), and perform a basic monthly/quarterly test on your own.

Browse Coggno UST courses and training here.

