6 Types Of Online Training Programs That Are Essential To Employees

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Online Training Programs For Employees

Training is an essential activity in every organization. Training helps in imparting skills to employees that help them do their work in a more effective way. Training is one of the best ways to bridge the gap between the requirements of the job and the profile of the employee.

Training can enhance the competence of the employee, which can positively affect work performance. Traditionally, training has been conducted through classroom sessions where employees assemble in a hall and are trained by a trainer. The problem with this model is it restricts training to a few hours and necessitates employees to be made free during this time.

Organizations that are into customer service would find it difficult if many employees were taken off duty to attend training. Online training methods for employees are thus preferred as employees can take up training during their free time. It ensures that training is not restricted for a few hours but would happen over a long period of time. Online training is available at any time and any place and is convenient for both employers and employees.

Must Read9 Techniques To Create The Best Management Training Program


What your organization gains from employee training:

  • Increase your profit and growth
  • Good reputation for your company
  • Reduced employee turnover rate
  • Develop skilled workers

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What your employee gains from employee training

  • Opportunity for career advancement
  • Help with self-development
  • Enhanced and better productivity


6 Types of Online Training for Employees

While there are various types of employee training, the following six types are essential for employees and would be valuable for every organization.


Orientation training

The orientation training is the initial training conducted for all new employees. It involves inducing the new employee into the organization. Key topics covered would include:

  • Organization vision, mission, and objectives
  • Organization structure and history
  • Organization culture
  • Introduction to organization activities
  • Important policies and procedures

All these topics can be effectively covered through online training modules.

Must Read 8 Steps For Making Employee Training Fun And Effective



Most people confuse orientation with onboarding. Orientation is a one-time activity done when the employee joins. Onboarding takes place over a longer duration. Apart from the initial introduction, it ensures the employee gets adjusted into the department or function where he/she is placed. It ensures that employees understand their job profile and fit into their work smoothly and effectively. This may require training that is conducted over multiple sessions. Online training would be suitable to ensure regular training until the onboarding is complete.


Product Training

An organization sells its products or services to customers, and every employee must be aware of this. Depending on the nature of their work, they need to know all about the products. The product type, the need for the product, its history, product features, and the unique proposition value the product offers are some of the things every employee should be aware of. Those who interact with customers need in-depth product knowledge so they would be able to handle any queries posed by customers. Whenever new products are introduced, training is needed so that employees are aware of the latest developments.


Technical training

To do his/her work, an employee needs technical skills. These are skills in the subject area related to the employee’s jobs. These skills help the employee to do their work as per requirements. If the job is a marketing job, then the employee needs to have marketing skills and skills in handling customers. If the job is related to software development, the employee requires in-depth knowledge of the development tool. Most technical skills are gained during education. In reality, there is a large gap between what a person learns at college and what is required for a job. Frequent employee development programs can help the employee to fill those gaps and develop into an asset for the organization.

Training can help update employees with the latest developments related to their work area and the technology used. It allows employees to gain the skills that they need. It can be at a beginner level or a higher proficiency level. Online training allows employees to acquire these skills in a structured way at their own pace and convenience. The immediate superior can monitor the effectiveness of the training and suggest additional training wherever required. The online training program also allows for the assessment of training effectiveness, which would be valuable.


Soft skills training

Apart from the core technical skills, employees need soft skills to be able to do their job in the best possible way. Some of these skills are:

These soft skills help to build the overall personality of the employee. It gives them the confidence needed to do their job well.


Mandatory training

This includes training on mandatory topics that may be required by law or regulations. It can be training on prevention of sexual harassment, training on work safety, basic first-aid training, fire safety training, training on office rules, etc.

These six types of employee training can be delivered online. This ensures training can be done at the trainee’s convenience. It allows the trainee to learn at his/her own pace. Online training programs can be made interesting through the use of multimedia, which is a highly effective medium for training delivery.

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Rochelle van Rensburg

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